This is Xingjian Ding and YuxiangHuang's CSE 451 project. 

WASD to move, Space to jump, Right Click to aim, and Left Click to shoot.

Goal: Cross the river, collect the knife, kill the Boss, collect the key, and reach the flag.

Week 12 Update:

1. Improving UI. Mission shows up one by one.

Improving UI. When picking up the knife, a count down a warning for Boss.

2. Player die animation.

3. Improving UI. When firing, the cross goes bigger.

4. Press R to Reload

Mission text blinking.

5. Add the hit feel. Shake the camera.

6. Hit different parts of the enemy causing different damage.

7. Improving UI. The aiming cross changes to a circle when reloading.

8. Add score count at winning panel(how many bullets used, how many headshot, kill how many enemies, overall score)

Added some buildings to the empty part on the map. Fall damage is now based on grounded y-speed. Added some off-mesh links to the buildings. Added flame particles that instantly kill the character and normal zombie when contacted.

Made withUnity


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Looks really good. Good job with the animations, even if they need a bit of polish, getting stuff in this early really helps. I think you should work on trying to keep the camera out of the walls. I know this can be difficult to do. Good job with object outlines as well. Maybe add a sound to shooting, because it took a while to figure out that I was shooting. The instructions were very helpful.

First, I did not find out how to shoot the enemies, this might be my problem. The only way I tried to survive was to hide from enemies. I saw something with green edges, and I guess they are interactable, but I did not figure out how to interact with them (I tried with the right and left mouse, keyboard E, and spaces, but none of them worked). The character is also moving too fast, and this makes me feel a little bit dizzy. I like how the enemies are chasing the character, and these enemies are really interesting! I also noticed there are instructions about the tasks on the left side. These instructions really helped. I think your game is already in a good shape, and I enjoy playtesting it!

(1 edit)

It looks great for a beta version game. I can definitely see its potential. The basic FPS mechanics feel solid and intuitive. However, the character animation might need some polishment since it feels a little bit clunky especially when moving left/right. Also, I tried to interact with outlined items like the chest and knife but it doesn't work.

Shooting mechanic works well. Movement feels very slow, and took a long time reach all enemies. Objective is unclear without reading description. Could not figure out how to use any intractable items. Camera clipping with tree. Game gives win screen at flag regardless if all enemies are killed.

Obviously the game is still in early stages, but has promise. Shooting core loop works well as intended.